The Internet is Back, I Hate Cox

No, not all the Coxs we know and love. I’m talking Cox Communications. My cable and internet have been out for the past few days and they wouldn’t listen to me when I told them exactly what the problem was.

Me: The internet and cable is out at my house. My outlets are not activated yet.
Them: They were activated on the 9th.
Me: You sent someone out here, but they didn’t activate the outlets. I’m not stupid, I know how to plug in a cable wire.
Them: Let me transfer you to someone who can help you.



I finally got them to send someone out, but they wanted to charge me $50! Luckily, when he got to the house he told Danielle that “the outlets weren’t activated, I’ll activate them. Also, since it’s our fault, I won’t charge the $50.” Thank God for sensible installers. I swear people who get paid to talk on the phone are always irritable people who have no social skills. By the way, nobody call me today, I’m irritable from all this talking to Cox.

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