
I’ve gotten one comment on my last two posts here on Inkwaste – that my days seem kinda redundant! Admittedly, I have had a somewhat unproductive pattern, but after thinking about it, doesn’t everyone? I mean, people usually get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch tv and go to sleep…right? I’m just missing the going to work part. I get paid more per hour to do what I do for myself than for someone else…I just need to find more of that work, which has been coming here and there.

Anyway, my day yesterday consisted largely of doing the same things from the day before with one notable exception: I grocery shopped in the nicest, best, biggest grocery store I’ve ever been in. This place is absoultely amazing, and I’m going to absolutely base my next move on proximity to a Whole Foods – it’s that good. Don’t take my word for it…let me cook for you!

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