Bacon Donuts

Arnold McOinkers, the GREATest pastry chef in all of Piglandia, started his ovens every morning with simple FLINT and tinder. He used his massive SNOUT to measure his ingredients, and was famous for his bacon flavored DONUTs!

-From Wordle Puzzle 7/7/2023

Julio the Irate Goatherder

The fact that he had RAISEd such a loud and grouchy goat made Julio feel profoundly IRATE!

-From Wordle Puzzle 6/4/2023

The Boulder Creek Hotel

Our rustic lodge had a GREAT location, but not enough guest rooms. So we had some giant STONEs TOWED to our MOTEL, hollowed them out, and created the Boulder Creek HOTEL and Inn.

-From Wordle Puzzle 7/3/2033

Bleep! Bleep! Time for Sleep!

LATER, at bedtime, Mom told Robo-Ted to hold on tight to his LOVEY, which he was practically GLUED to anyway, and go to SLEEP without another BLEEP.

-From Wordle Puzzle 7/1/2023

Game of Straw Thrones

Now bow before your Hay King on the GREAT STRAW Throne!

-From Wordle Puzzle 6/30/2023

The Asteroid Miner Diner

There used to be a GREAT panic when the space battle SIREN went off, but lately it was just another day at the Asteroid MINER DINER.

-From Wordle Puzzle 6/29/2023